Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Day 3

Motivation: High Average Low Zero

Exercise:10 minutes of TRX - Didn't go to gym. Slept in. Still not feeling well.
Total Calories:2,337 in / 2,543 out. Oops
Steps: 4,025

Overall, not a banner day.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Day 2

Motivation: High Average Low Zero

Exercise:30 minutes of mostly machine resistance training
Total Calories:2,498 out/1,734 in

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Day 1

Weight: 246
Motivation: High Average Low Zero

Exercise: Free and machines. Familiarization. Treadmill. 32 minutes total.
Total Calories: 2,180 in and 2,827 out
Steps: 4,354
Book: Yes

First day. Up at 5AM. Good motivation. Out to the gym in the cold rain. Here are a few photos.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Day 0+1

At midnight tonight, The Year 4 Change officially starts.

I've spent the two days running up to it preparing my gym bag, lining out exercise routines, working on menus, and eating far too much. I feel like one of those people on reality TV who consumes an immense amount of drugs, just prior to entering rehab.

Here's the outline of what I've planned.

  1. Cornerstone is reasonable portions.
  2. No binging--deal with emotions in a way that doesn't involve eating.
  3. Limit snacking in frequency, amount, and type.
  4. No added sugar. As in, none.
  5. Very limited carbs. Not sure what that means in grams, but much less than the average, American diet. It's not that I believe they are inherently bad, but because I can't easily control them.
  6. Mid to high protein intake. This will increase satiety and support my workout efforts.
  7. Mid to slightly high fat intake. This will increase satiety and support my workout efforts.
  8. While not obsessing about salt, making an effort to be conciseness of the amount I use. 
  9. Careful tracking of everything that I eat. Meals, snacks, binges, mistakes, whatever. Everything.
  10. Less worry about calories and more care with portion size and reducing the amount of highly processed foods and added sugar.
  11. Drinking water, coffee, milk, and occasionally a beer. No soft drinks.
  12. Careful food prep for lunches during the week.
  13. Making good choices when traveling for business.
  1. Regular, consistent, no excuses exercise.
  2. Every day of the week. No excuses.
  3. Going to the actual gym (Anytime Fitness) at least three times a week and the home gym in my garage for the rest.
  4. Moving. Getting up during my day in the home office and moving. 
  5. Adding steps throughout the week. For example, parking farther away and walking around the store, before shopping.
  6. Equal mix of weight and cardio.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 0

I'm 59 years old, successful in my career, have a good marriage, and my dog likes me.

Even with all that going for me, I plan to start a one year cycle, beginning Sunday, of four changes. Those changes are:
  1. Daily exercise (I'm overweight).
  2. Writing down everything I eat or drink. Everything.
  3. Reading four or more pages of a non fiction book, each day.
  4. Filling out this blog, every day.
It might occasionally contain my thoughts on other things or even short term projects and goals, but it mainly a place to track the four things.

The overarching goals are to become more healthy (i.e. lose weight and get stronger) and educated.